In this adventurous adaptation of Lewis Carroll’s revered “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” (1865), Alice, brought to life by Kristýna Kohoutová, plunges into an otherworldly realm following a white rabbit. Her journey in this bewildering wonderland is characterized by strikingly unconventional production design that sets the film apart.
“Alice” marks Švankmajer’s first foray into feature-length cinema after an illustrious two-decade-long career dedicated to short film direction. His version of Alice’s journey stems from his dissatisfaction with previous adaptations that reduced Carroll’s complex narrative to simple fairy tales. Švankmajer intended his film to reflect the chaotic and uncensored nature of dreams, devoid of morality.
Appreciated by critics and audiences alike, “Alice” won the feature film award at the prestigious 1989 Annecy International Animated Film Festival. The film’s unwavering commitment to preserving the dreamlike quality of the original story truly embodies Švankmajer’s audacious and unfiltered artistic approach, making it a cinematic masterpiece that continues to inspire.