“The Pied Piper” (Krysař), a 1986 animated film directed by Jiří Barta, is a dark and visually striking adaptation of the classic German legend. Set in a medieval town plagued by rats, the story unfolds as the mysterious Pied Piper appears, promising to rid the town of its infestation. Barta’s interpretation is notable for its hauntingly beautiful stop-motion animation, which brings a unique and eerie depth to the tale. The film delves into themes of greed, betrayal, and retribution, as the townspeople fail to honor their promise to the Piper, leading to an unsettling and dramatic conclusion. This Czech film is renowned for its artistic innovation and the way it transforms a familiar story into a compelling, visually rich cinematic experience. “The Pied Piper” stands out for its creative storytelling, making it a memorable piece in the world of animated films.