In his early years, Ondrej, a child intrigued by the mystic world of bats and bees, encounters his new, young stepmother. An innocent gesture of presenting her with a bowl of flower petals takes a dark turn when she shrieks, discovering bats at the base of the bowl. In a fit of fury, Ondrej’s father hurls him against a wall, and as the boy lies motionless, he pleads with the Holy Virgin, vowing to dedicate Ondrej to her service in exchange for his life.
Ondrej survives, leading him into the strict regiment of a monastic order under the watchful guidance of Armin, a devout warrior monk. The stringent, at times unreasonable, rules drive Ondrej to escape one day, seeking refuge in his erstwhile home.
With the passing of his father, Ondrej ascends to the lordship of the castle and enters into a betrothal with his father’s young widow. The past, however, haunts him when Armin reappears near the climax, intent on persuading Ondrej to return to the monastic life.