In a rural Slovak village, single mother Johanka and her 18-year-old daughter Paulina navigate the complexities of small-town life and societal judgment. While Paulina dreams of independence and ventures to the city, Johanka, urged by her friend Jozefka, seeks companionship in the new schoolteacher, only to uncover his hidden marriage. As mother and daughter face heartbreak and self-discovery, they begin to question whether the pursuit of traditional relationships truly defines happiness or if their unconventional lives offer a different kind of fulfillment.
Štefan Uher, one of the pioneers of the Czechoslovak New Wave, directed the film. He is best known for his influential works like The Sun in a Net (Slnko v sieti, 1962), which reshaped Slovak cinema.
The screenplay was based on the novel Pásla kone na betóne by Slovak author Milka Zimková, who also played the lead role of Johanka, adding authenticity to her performance.