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1960's Movies

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Subs en it es
Country: Czechoslovakia Original Title: Drak sa vracia Language: Slovak IMDB Rating: 7.2 Views: 10218
Drak sa vracia (Dragon’s Return)
Mind blowing
Asian Movies
with subtitles

Please note: Eastern European Movies and Asian Movies are different streaming services.
Each of them has their own membership.

Subs en ru
Country: Poland Original Title: Żywot Mateusza Language: Polish IMDB Rating: 7.0 Views: 2886
Żywot Mateusza (Matthew’s Days)
Subs en hu it pt es
Country: Hungary Original Title: A tanú Language: Hungarian IMDB Rating: 8.7 Views: 14396
A tanú (The Witness)
Soviet Movies
with subtitles

Please note: Eastern European Movies and Soviet Movies are different streaming services.
Each of them has their own membership.

Subs en ru es
Country: Romania Original Title: Pădurea spânzuraților Language: Romanian IMDB Rating: 8.4 Views: 4780
Pădurea spânzuraților (Forest of the Hanged)
Subs en
Country: Poland Original Title: Sami swoi Language: Polish IMDB Rating: 8.0 Views: 20627
Sami swoi (Our Folks)
Subs en fr
Country: Hungary Original Title: Légy jó mindhalálig Language: Hungarian IMDB Rating: 6.9 Views: 933
Légy jó mindhalálig (Be Good All Your Life)
Subs en
Country: Poland Original Title: Jak rozpętałem drugą wojnę światową: Cz.1 - Ucieczka Language: Polish IMDB Rating: 8.1 Views: 43719
Jak rozpętałem drugą wojnę światową: Cz.1 - Ucieczka (How I Unleashed World War II Part I: The Escape)
Please note: Soviet Movies Online, Eastern European Movies and Asian Movies Online are different streaming services.
Each of them has their own membership.