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1960's Movies

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Country: Hungary Original Title: A Pál utcai fiúk Language: Hungarian IMDB Rating: 8.0 Views: 9016
A Pál utcai fiúk (The Boys of Paul Street)
Subs zh en fr pt
Country: Czechoslovakia Original Title: 322 Language: Slovak IMDB Rating: 7.1 Views: 5939
322 (322)
Mind blowing
Asian Movies
with subtitles

Please note: Eastern European Movies and Asian Movies are different streaming services.
Each of them has their own membership.

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Country: Poland Original Title: Krzyżacy Language: Polish IMDB Rating: 6.9 Views: 11059
Krzyżacy (Knights of the Teutonic Order)
Soviet Movies
with subtitles

Please note: Eastern European Movies and Soviet Movies are different streaming services.
Each of them has their own membership.

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Country: Hungary Original Title: Oldás és kötés Language: Hungarian IMDB Rating: 7.3 Views: 3669
Oldás és kötés (Cantata)
Subs en it
Country: Hungary Original Title: Csend és kiáltás Language: Hungarian IMDB Rating: 7.1 Views: 3565
Csend és kiáltás (Silence and Cry)
Subs en pl
Country: Poland Original Title: Do widzenia, do jutra Language: Polish IMDB Rating: 7.1 Views: 5217
Do widzenia, do jutra (Good Bye, Till Tomorrow)
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Country: Poland Original Title: Bariera Language: Polish IMDB Rating: 7.1 Views: 3239
Bariera (Barrier)
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Country: Czechoslovakia Original Title: Zbehovia a pútnici Language: Czech IMDB Rating: 6.7 Views: 3813
Zbehovia a pútnici (The Deserter and the Nomads)
Please note: Soviet Movies Online, Eastern European Movies and Asian Movies Online are different streaming services.
Each of them has their own membership.